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4 Signs You're Grinding Your Teeth at Night

March 18, 2024

Take a peek at your pearly whites in the mirror. Do you notice any recent chips or cracks that can't be explained? Fractures like these may have formed during a teeth-grinding session, a condition known as bruxism. Enamel wear can also give teeth a transparent look. According to the Sleep Foundation, the prevalence of sleep bruxism in adolescents is estimated to be 15%. Here are some signs you may be grinding your teeth at night.

1. Your Tongue or Cheek Has Sore Spots

When you clench your jaws together forcefully, you risk accidentally biting your tongue or inner cheeks. Wake up with a sore spot or even a teeth-shaped impression? This wound offers a clue you may be grinding your teeth overnight. Report inner mouth sores and irritation to your local dentist as this can indicate bruxism.

2. You Have Headaches or Migraines

Studies show that bruxism and headaches frequently occur together. Researchers theorize that excess jaw tension travels to tissues surrounding the head. This leads to painful headaches and migraines for sufferers. So if you grapple with frequent annoying head pain, talk to your local dentist about screening for nighttime teeth grinding. Treating it may provide head relief.

3. You're Stressed Out

A set of clenched jaw muscles seems to be the body’s built-in response mechanism to stress. When you feel anxious or upset, you most likely tense your jaws and release stress through your teeth. High levels of long-term stress can prompt night grinding sessions during deep sleep. Talk to your local dentist if you think work, relationships, finances, or other worries may underlie your oral habits.

4. You Have Disrupted Sleep

Teeth grinding requires muscle activity in the jaw, tongue, and facial areas. It may disrupt your sleep, especially during lighter REM cycles. Take note if your partner says your grinding wakes them up, or you find yourself excessively tired even after what should have been a full night's sleep. Let your local dentist know about your sleep problems as bruxism could be robbing you of necessary rest.

If you recognize yourself in any of these scenarios, schedule an appointment with your local dentist right away. They can evaluate you for nighttime teeth grinding and outfit you with a dental guard for protection and relief. Establishing healthy sleep habits may also minimize bruxism flare-ups. With prompt care, you can stop the grind and wake up feeling refreshed. Call Crown Dentistry of the Palm Beaches now to book an appointment.

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